Daniil Alexandrov


Viewing all albums in icon design

Benefits Of Voice And Data Convergence

Infographic for Macquarie

View more in: icon design, illustration, infographic

#infographic  #integration  #nbn  #sip  #trunking  #voip


This interactive infographic allows viewers to compare various pricing plans and see what features each plan has to offer.

View more in: icon design, illustration, infographic, map, web design

7 Spheres

A card game about the planet Earth

View more in: game design, icon design, identity design, illustration, print design

#card  #environment  #game  #sustainability

Harvard Medical School experiment

Scientific experiment design

View more in: game design, icon design, interface, layout, web design

#dilemma  #experiment  #game  #graph  #harvard  #partner  #prisoner  #result  #score  #symbol  #theory

100 Things

Game and icon design for 100 Things

View more in: icon design, identity design, illustration


Interface for a community project

View more in: icon design, identity design, interface, UX design, web design

#account  #community  #company  #grid  #mockup  #module  #network  #page  #personal  #prototype  #responsive  #en 30 0 30 1600 center left list 3 1 1 30 0 none 3 source source 13 1.5 0 11 underline none 16 16 14 13 13 13 text source 700 capitalize 28 28 0 15 1 160 left 200 16 40 13 left 1 source 13 0 8 capitalize 1 10 1 normal 16:10 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 30 1 halfcirc 1 20 0.6 none black 2048 site rgb(231, 231, 231) rgb(101, 102, 103) rgb(47, 62, 67) rgb(99, 158, 190) rgb(99, 158, 190) rgb(97, 99, 103) rgba(231, 231, 231,1) rgb(97, 99, 103) #444444 rgb(99, 158, 190) rgb(238, 65, 35) rgb(47, 62, 67) rgb(231, 231, 231) rgba(0,0,0,0.15) rgba(0,0,0,0.3) rgb(255, 255, 255) #000000 rgba(0,0,0,0.44) #000000 rgb(231, 231, 231) rgb(47, 62, 67) rgb(238, 65, 35) rgb(231, 231, 231) rgb(47, 62, 67) #eeeeee #000000 rgb(122, 124, 127) rgb(122, 124, 127) rgb(231, 231, 231) rgb(47, 62, 67) rgb(47, 62, 67) rgb(122, 124, 127) white auto 50 15 27 #000000 #ffffff rgba(0,0,0,0.15) rgba(0,0,0,0.3) #666666 #000000 rgba(0,0,0,0.44)  #social